5 TikTok Hashtag Tips For Business Owners

tiktok business tips

Introduction to TikTok Hashtags

If you’ve been working on your TikTok game for a while, you know how powerful it can be for your business and brand. But did you know that there are also ways that hashtags can help grow your brand on the platform? Today we will be sharing insights on utilizing hashtags properly to maximize your exposure on TikTok!

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1. Use Hashtags in the Caption and Tags Section

When you’re ready to create a video, create a caption and tags. You should use hashtags in the caption and tags section of your videos so they will be properly recognized by TikTok’s algorithm. Another tip is to add alt text if TikTok allows. 

Another tip is to add alt text to your video if TikTok has that function enabled. Alt text is the behind-the-scenes code that describes images or videos. It allows search engines (or platforms like TikTok) to understand what the piece of content is about.

If you create a website or videos with a bunch of videos or images and don’t provide any alt text, the platform will have to use its best guess as to what each piece of content is about, which might not be accurate. This could hurt your organic ranking on TikTok since most platforms use their knowledge of your video and its content to determine if it’s relevant to its users’ queries.

2. Add Your Own Hashtag to Your Brand’s TikTok Profile

  • Add your hashtag to the description of your brand’s TikTok profile.
  • This will encourage others to hop onto your hashtag and create content around it. The hashtag has the potential to go viral on a platform like TikTok.
  • Include the hashtags in the bio section of your page. Use keywords in addition to hashtags where possible, so that users can easily search for your business on TikTok by typing these words into the platform’s search bar. It helps if your username relates to the keyword as well but that’s not necessary.
  • Always keep the user’s viewing experience in mind
  • Make sure to properly check for grammatical errors within your hashtags – otherwise your reach could be limited.

3. Utilize a Mixture of Broad and Narrow Hashtags (Popular as Well as Niche-Specific Hashtags)

Broad hashtags are great for reaching new audiences. Narrow hashtags are best for connecting with your existing audience and getting them to engage with your brand OR people passionate about a very niche-specific topic. You can use the two types of hashtags together, or choose one over the other depending on what you’re trying to achieve. We recommend a combination of 3 of each.

For example: A business owner may use broad hashtags like #entrepreneur or #businessmom because they want to reach as many people as possible who might be interested in their lifestyle. But she also wants to include a narrow hashtag such as #howtoworkfromhome or #workfromhome so that her followers know that she can help you work from home as well and is perhaps offering a course on how to do so.

Create and Use Your Own Branded Hashtags

4. Create and Use Your Own Branded Hashtags to Track Campaigns and Promotions

Creating and using your own branded hashtags is a great way to track campaigns, promotions and other activities on TikTok.

The easiest way to do this is by creating a unique hashtag for your brand and using that in all of your social media posts. You want to make sure this hashtag is uniform and utilized on all your brand’s social media accounts. When you use the same hashtag across platforms, you can get an accurate picture of how it performs as well as increase overall brand awareness.

5. Stick to Just a Few Hashtags and Create a Strategy around Them.

The first thing you’ll want to do is find out which hashtags are most popular in your sector. You can use a tool like
https://tiktokhashtags.com/  to see what the most popular hashtags are for your niche and then choose from that list. Be sure not to use more than 5 hashtags per video, otherwise your audience will become confused and won’t know which tags are relevant to your brand.

Now that you know exactly which tags will help boost engagement on TikTok, it’s time to start brainstorming ways in which these tags could work with your business goals (and budget).

Create a strategy around your chosen primary hashtags. You can always mix in 1 or 2 different hashtags on each video and analyze performance. Just make sure to prioritize your brand’s primary hashtags (the ones you use on every video).

Use Hashtags as a Source of Inspiration For Content Ideas

Hashtags can also be used as a source of inspiration for content ideas. While you may not want to directly copy the content of another creator, you can use hashtags with high engagement as inspiration for what types of videos or photos will be popular among your audience. When your brand hops on trends, it increases the chances of your video and profile going viral.

Small to medium sized brands that go viral or have products that go viral typically sell out overnight.

When using hashtags that have high engagement, you should also keep in mind that competitors will likely be using them as well (if they’re on TikTok) so it’s important that your posts stand out from the crowd. You can even hire a UGC creator (user generated content creator) to help your brand with creating viral-potential content around your product or service.

Raising Brand Awareness on TikTok.

Just like other social media platforms, you can use hashtags to build brand awareness and connect with new audiences. 

TikTok is a fantastic platform for brand awareness. Hashtags help you connect with new audiences, which can lead to more followers and engagement and eventually, sales.

But just like other social media platforms, there are some things you should know about how hashtags work on TikTok—and what kind of results they can bring. We hope these tips helped you create an effective strategy around hashtags and what volume hashtags to implement in your TikTok captions. 

tiktok brand strategy

Final Notes

In conclusion, hashtags are not just for the kids. They can be a useful tool for small business owners and brands—especially those who are new TikTok! 

In the context of TikTok, hashtags can help you go viral by increasing your visibility and making it easier for people to find your video. 

As we previously mentioned, the best way to use hashtags is by using a combination of  relevant and niche hashtags, as well as broad tags that may not be entirely specific to your video, but could still be used by others.

Like with anything, consistency is truly the key so stay consistent with your TikTok strategy. 

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