Mobile Shopping and Mobile Commerce Trends in 2021

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Look how far we’ve come! In the early dot com days, consumers were hesitant to enter their credit card info on desktop computers to buy items online. Now we have one-click purchases happening every second through our cell phones. Now, dubbed m-commerce, mobile commerce involves shopping through a mobile device (typically a smartphone), and the statistics on how many are now using their smartphones to make purchases are climbing each year, with predictions that m-commerce will surpass e-commerce in the near future.

Ease of Purchase Power
Mobile commerce is using strategies coined by Las Vegas. What are those strategies? It’s simple. Make spending money easy. And more importantly, by eliminating the transactional feel of handing over legal tender, spending money doesn’t quite feel like… spending money. The same way Vegas uses chips to replace hundred dollar bills, one-click buttons replace the swipe of the credit card and the handling of cash. 

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest have all introduced “buy buttons” or “buyable pins” that allow shoppers to easily make purchases. One-click checkout buttons also eliminate the need for the consumer to repeatedly enter their credit card info (which again, reminds them of the transaction). This method requires shoppers to enter their payment information once, and then they can use the one-click option to make purchases without having to re-enter.

Expected Growth of Mobile Commerce 
Mobile shopping is on-track to capture 73% of the global ecommerce market share this year, which is up by a whopping 59% from 2017. Over the last six months, 79% of mobile users made an online purchase using their mobile devices. 

If you have an ecommerce store, you need to stay on-trend with the latest mobile responsive designs and keep up with consumer behavior – meaning, apps! Whether you’re using Shopify or another platform to sell online, mobile consumers definitely need to be serviced. 2021 is the year of mobile shopping apps. 

Catering to Mobile Users
There are ways to increase sales by catering to mobile-friendly users. One of the top reasons consumers abandon their carts is due to a long check-out process. One-Click Purchasing simplifies the checkout process and alleviates valuable time where the consumer may change their mind. Mobile apps have changed the way people shop with one-click purchasing. Amazon was one of the first to establish the one-click purchase trend. But it’s now widely used by eCommerce retailers worldwide. All you need to do is put some form of a “Buy Now” button directly on all your product pages.

Why Go Mobile?
Not only is the number of mobile users increasing, but the total time spent on mobile devices has increased exponentially. In the US alone, the amount of time spent on mobile devices has risen from 188 minutes in 2016 to 234 minutes in 2021a 24.5% increase in just five years.  With the number of mobile users currently at 5.22 billion and growing, as far as trends go, there’s nothing to indicate that mobile commerce growth will stop anytime soon. 

At Elite Automation, we plan on implementing new strategies to increase our client store’s profits even more with mobile optimization. Want to learn how we can help you start your own Walmart Store or Amazon FBA business? Schedule a call and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

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