Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon


Let’s be honest: Amazon is a beast. It has more than half of the U.S. market share for e-commerce, and it’s growing at an insane rate. The platform is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of its shoppers, so if you’re looking to sell your products on Amazon, you need to keep up with all those changes—and there are many! 

Luckily, SEO (search engine optimization) techniques are just as effective here as they are on other sites like Google. In this article we’ll talk about which different aspects of your product listing can be optimized for search engines as well as what makes Amazon unique from its competitors like Walmart or Etsy when it comes to ranking products on search results pages.

Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

What Needs to be Considered When Ranking a Product on Amazon?

Product Title

The product title is the most important part of your listing and should be written as a sentence. Make sure it’s unique, descriptive, and short enough to attract attention without being too long. The product title should appear in the same language as the rest of your product listing.

Backend search terms

  • Backend search terms: The backend search terms are the keywords that will help your product get found in searches on Amazon. To add keywords, click on the + Add Keyword button at the bottom of your page and enter as many as 100 relevant keywords.
  • Relevance: Make sure that you include only those keywords that are relevant to your product, because if you don’t, it can hurt sales.
  • Specificity: Include keywords related to specific features (e.g., color) or groups of products (e.g., toys or electronics). Don’t just use general words like “tablet” when writing about a cell phone case for an iPad Mini—be specific! You can also try using Google’s Keyword Planner tool to find popular search terms related to your market niche within Amazon’s marketplace specifically.

Keywords in your product description

Keywords are the words or phrases that customers search for. If you want your product to rank well in Amazon’s search results, it is important that you use relevant keywords in your product description.

Here are some tips on choosing effective keywords:

  • Describe features and benefits of your product. Instead of just listing out the details of what a customer can expect when they buy your product, describe how it will benefit them when they use it. Keyword-rich phrases like “reduces pain” or “increases mobility” are more likely to catch the attention of potential buyers than simply saying “this is an ankle brace.”
  • Use keywords that are relevant to both you and the customer searching for them (and be specific). While general terms like “dog food” may be used by many different companies selling their own versions of dog food, using more specific keywords like “organic chicken dog treats” will help make sure people looking for organic chicken dog treats can find yours easily in Amazon’s search engine results pages (SERPs).
Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

Product images

  • Make sure your product images are high quality. If a customer can’t see the product clearly in the image, they’re not going to buy it! The best way to ensure your photos look great is by using good lighting (natural light is best) and a tripod so that your camera remains steady when you take each picture. Also, keep in mind that larger displays will make any image look better than smaller ones—and if someone isn’t going to buy from Amazon because of poor quality images, then why would they want them at all?
  • Make sure your product images are properly sized. You don’t want customers being forced into zooming out every time they look at one of your products; instead give them something clear right away so they know what’s available without having to go through extra steps or make too many changes on their end while browsing through other items in search results pages.”

Customer reviews

You should consider yourself lucky if you have the ability to rank your product, but it will not be enough to do so. The key factor in ranking is customer reviews and feedback. A sales page without any kind of reviews or testimonials would be like walking into a fancy restaurant with only a map as your guide—a sure way to get lost and waste time trying to figure out where you are.

Customer reviews are essential for any business on Amazon because they help create credibility among customers, which leads them directly into conversion (or at least helps people feel comfortable enough to make that conversion). Customer reviews are also one of the most important ranking factors on Amazon; having them up there will improve your visibility in search results and lead people directly into buying from you instead of going somewhere else first!

Pricing and promotions

Pricing and promotions are a great way to increase your sales, BSR, conversion rate and Amazon ranking. They’re also an effective way to lower your inventory levels.

Promotions can be set up easily in Seller Central under the “Promotions” tab. You can choose from several different types of promotions such as price discounts or coupons that can be applied at checkout for certain buyers or during certain times of day. You can even offer free shipping on orders over a certain dollar amount! To learn more about using promotions for Amazon SEO see this article here

Amazon SEO is something you should be thinking about, even if you sell on other platforms.

Amazon SEO is something you should be thinking about, even if you sell on other platforms and don’t have any plans to launch a product on Amazon.

If you’re in the business of selling products online, then Amazon is probably already in your life or it’s going to be soon. It’s not just the largest marketplace in the world; it’s also where people go when they want to buy something new or browse for inspiration. Plus, with all of its data and traffic—more than 500 million shoppers visit Amazon every month—it offers an irresistibly large audience for your product listings.

But this isn’t just about getting more eyeballs: ranking well on Amazon means that people will see what your company has to offer (and hopefully buy!), which means that sales are down the road if everything goes according to plan. In fact, many brands report that they’ve seen their revenue increase anywhere from 20%–50% after optimizing their SEO strategies properly! 

A more automated solution to help boost your product’s ranking is utilizing software such as Jungle Scout which has a keyword planner for Amazon product listings.

Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon


If you want to rank your products on Amazon, you have to do it right. The best way to find out what works and what doesn’t is by testing different strategies. If you are selling a new product or within a new category, then I recommend starting with a small budget before going all in on PPC ads on top keywords. This way, if something doesn’t work out as planned, you won’t have lost too much money! You should also keep an eye out for seasonal trends that could affect how well certain products rank (for example: holidays like Christmas, Father’s Day, Halloween, etc).

Alternatively, if you don’t want to do all the heavy lifting, you can book a call with Elite Automation to handle all your brand’s advertising (PPC) and listing optimization needs.

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