Elite Automation®

By: Katie Melissa | January 15, 2024

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, understanding the nuances of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. Two terms that often cause confusion among sellers are ‘search terms’ and ‘keywords.’ While they might seem similar, they play distinct roles in Amazon’s SEO landscape. This 2024 guide aims to demystify these terms, explaining their differences and how sellers can strategically use them to enhance their product visibility and sales.

Understanding Amazon Keywords

Keywords on Amazon are the words or phrases that sellers use in their product listings to ensure their products appear in search results. These are the terms that a seller believes potential customers will use when searching for their products or related items.

Importance of Keywords

Visibility: Properly chosen keywords can significantly increase the visibility of your products on Amazon.

Relevance: Keywords help signal to Amazon’s search algorithm the relevance of your product to customer searches.

Types of Keywords

Primary Keywords: These are highly relevant to your product and have a high search volume.

Long-Tail Keywords: More specific phrases that are often less competitive and can attract more qualified buyers.

Understanding Amazon Search Terms

Search terms, on the other hand, are the actual words or phrases that customers type into the Amazon search bar. These terms can differ significantly from the keywords sellers might anticipate.

Importance of Search Terms

Customer Insights: Analyzing search terms provides insight into customer behavior and preferences.

Adaptability: Understanding popular search terms allows sellers to adapt their listings and keywords to align with customer search patterns.

Tracking and Analyzing Search Terms

Utilize Amazon’s search term report available in the advertising console to understand how customers are finding your products.

Use third-party tools to analyze search term trends and patterns.

The Interplay Between Search Terms and Keywords

Alignment: The goal is to align your product keywords with the search terms that potential customers use. This alignment increases the chances of your product appearing in relevant searches.

Evolution: Customer search behavior can change over time. Regularly updating your keywords to reflect popular search terms is crucial.

Optimizing Your Amazon Listings: Balancing Search Terms and Keywords

1. Keyword Research

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify both high-volume keywords and long-tail phrases. Tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout can assist in this process.

2. Incorporating Keywords into Listings

Strategically include your chosen keywords in your product title, bullet points, description, and backend keywords. Ensure they are relevant and naturally integrated into the content.

3. Monitoring Search Terms

Regularly review search term reports to understand how customers are finding your products. Adjust your keywords as needed to align with popular and effective search terms.

4. Balancing Relevance and Volume

Aim for a mix of high-volume keywords and niche, specific phrases that precisely match customer search terms.

Challenges and Best Practices

Keyword Stuffing: Avoid overloading your listing with keywords, which can detract from readability and user experience.

Relevance: Always ensure that keywords and search terms are relevant to your product. Irrelevant keywords can lead to poor performance and customer dissatisfaction.

Continuous Optimization: The Amazon marketplace and customer behavior are always evolving. Regularly update and optimize your listings to stay competitive.

The Future of Amazon SEO: Search Terms and Keywords

As Amazon’s algorithms become more sophisticated, the importance of accurately matching customer search terms with listing keywords will grow. Future trends may include increased personalization in search results, making the understanding and application of both search terms and keywords even more crucial.


Q: How often should I update the keywords in my Amazon listings?

A: Regularly review and update your keywords, especially when there are changes in consumer behavior or trends in your product category.

Q: Can I use the same keywords for different products?

A: While some keywords might be relevant for multiple products, it’s important to tailor your keywords to each specific product for maximum relevance.

Q: How do I find the most effective keywords for my products?

A: Utilize Amazon keyword research tools and analyze search term reports to identify high-performing keywords and phrases.

Q: Do search terms and keywords differ in importance for Amazon PPC campaigns?

A: Both are crucial for PPC campaigns. Keywords are used to set up your ads, while search term data can help optimize these campaigns for better performance.

To summarize, understanding the distinction and the dynamic interplay between Amazon search terms and keywords is essential for any seller aiming to thrive on the platform in 2024. By strategically researching, selecting, and regularly updating your keywords to align with customer search terms, you can significantly enhance your product’s visibility and success on Amazon. This approach, combined with adapting to ongoing changes in consumer behavior and Amazon’s algorithms, will be key to achieving and maintaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of Amazon e-commerce.

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Katie Melissa
Katie Melissa
Katie Melissa is a seasoned digital entrepreneur responsible for creating e-commerce businesses generating multiple 6-figures per month. She began her entrepreneurship journey when she opened her first Amazon store over 6 years ago. Katie has spent years mastering e-commerce methods, launching brands, coaching 600+ students from 10+ countries, and keeping up to date with the latest digital marketing trends. She is the founder and CEO of Elite Automation, a company catering to clients' passive income needs. Elite Automation grants clients the opportunity to invest in an automated Amazon Wholesale FBA or Walmart Dropshipping business.