SMS Marketing Tips For 2022 and Beyond

SMS Marketing Tips

Intro to SMS Marketing in E-Commerce It’s easy to see why SMS marketing is one of the most cost-effective and proven ways to connect with your customers. Since it’s so inexpensive, it makes sense that you should use this medium to reach out to your audience. However, there are other benefits of SMS marketing as […]

Amazon Cracks Down On Fake Reviews Suing Several Parties

Amazon Cracks Down On Fake Reviews

The Latest On Amazon’s Fake Reviews Amazon is suing individuals and entities in California and New Jersey for allegedly buying and selling fake product reviews on Facebook. The lawsuit was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California (San Diego Division) against defendants “Doe,” “John Doe” 1-20, 21-50 and 51-100, all […]

Amazon Posts and Why They Present an Exciting Opportunity

what is Amazon Posts

Introduction Amazon is the most notable platform for ecommerce sellers. It provides a valuable service to its customers and allows sellers to grow their businesses through skilled marketing tactics and innovative strategies. However, there’s always room for improvement – especially when it comes to how people are interacting with brands on social networks. Amazon Posts […]

When and How to Sell My Amazon FBA Store

When and How to Sell My Amazon Store

Whether you plan to pay your mortgage, purchase a new house, or start another company, selling your Amazon FBA business can substantially impact your retirement plans or next steps in life in a positive way.  But not everyone sells their Amazon store does so for this reason. Selling an established Amazon business is a part […]

Amazon Selling Fees Breakdown

Amazon Selling Fees Breakdown

Introduction to Amazon Selling Fees If you’re an Amazon seller, you’ve probably heard a lot about the pros and cons of using Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) or Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA). You may not have considered that there are actually two types of Amazon sellers. Additionally, there are two selling plans you can sign up […]

Best Selling Products on Amazon

Best Selling Products on Amazon

Introduction No matter what you’re looking for, Amazon has it. There are over 675 million products in the company’s catalog and over 100 million of them are sold by third-party sellers. In fact, Amazon is so massive that there are actually hundreds of popular items that sell better on Amazon than their own branded websites. […]

Amazon FBA Step by Step

Background Amazon FBA is a service offered by Amazon to its sellers. It helps them in storing their products in the Amazon warehouse and shipping it to customers. It also provides other benefits like warehousing, packaging and many more. You can save a lot of time and money for your business by using this service. […]

Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

Amazon SEO: How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

Introduction Let’s be honest: Amazon is a beast. It has more than half of the U.S. market share for e-commerce, and it’s growing at an insane rate. The platform is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of its shoppers, so if you’re looking to sell your products on Amazon, you need to keep up […]

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist?

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist

Introduction If you’re looking for a job on Amazon or in the Amazon e-commerce space, it’s important to know that there is more than one type of position. In fact, there are numerous options if you want to become an Amazon Brand Specialist. The question you should be asking yourself is: What types of roles […]

What is Amazon Brand Management?

What is Amazon Brand Management

Introduction Amazon is the largest e-commerce platform in the world. Its popularity shows no signs of slowing down, with more and more shoppers making purchases on Amazon every day. If you want to take advantage of this massive opportunity, one way that you can do so is by using professional brand management services for your […]