How to Request Product Samples from Suppliers for Your Amazon Store

How to Request Product Samples from Suppliers for Your Amazon Store

 It’s a beautiful thing if you planned your product’s design and features to make it stand out among competing products on Amazon. 

If you’re lucky, your supplier will create the product you envisioned and design the item taking into consideration all your specifications. But truthfully speaking, achieving desired results on your very first order is rare.

You need product samples to test the quality of the product, its demand in your market and what price you should charge for it. You’ll also want to see if you can find a better supplier.

Branding is important. It’s how people identify their favorite companies and products, remember them and make emotional connections with them. If your branding is solid, customers will be more likely to buy from you instead of someone else who sells a similar product or service at a lower price because they know they’re getting a quality product from an established brand with excellent customer service and support behind it.

How to Request Product Samples from Suppliers for Your Amazon Store

Why Request Amazon Product Samples Anyway?

Product testing plays a crucial role in determining your business’s success. Not only does it allow you to make amendments for the best final product, but it also keeps your money from whirling down the drain. 

For instance, ordering an entire inventory batch of hundreds of products that doesn’t live up to your expectations is one of the most unpleasant discoveries. 

As an ecommerce seller, your job doesn’t end after you pick the right product with less competition. Instead, you must work consistently to ensure your product meets consumer demands and offers them value for every dollar spent. 

Here are a few convincing reasons to request samples from Amazon product suppliers. 

Testing the Quality

Images are misleading, and we’re confident you know this if you ever received an awful-looking, low-quality product after placing an online order. You may have thought “I could have purchased this on AliExpress for $5…”

Humans are naturally drawn to visuals, and studies highlight this. 90% of the information our brain receives is visual. Therefore, we are easily swayed after seeing eye-catching images or videos of products online.

So, before you go through the trauma of ordering a large inventory batch only to receive substandard products, it is better to request a sample. Save yourself the hassle later. 

You can hold the product and feel it to test its quality and functionality. 

This first-hand experience, if gone wrong, can be reversed. However, ordering thousands of products without testing can cost you an arm and a leg.

How to Request Product Samples from Suppliers for Your Amazon Store

Knowing the Supplier

A supplier may make fancy claims when discussing their services, but you can only know their true abilities
after working with them. Requesting samples helps you gauge the competence of Amazon FBA suppliers. 

You’ll gain a deeper insight into how they communicate and how long they take to ship inventory. Furthermore, you can take note of how they pack the products to maintain service standards. 

Testing supplier work will help you narrow down your options and pick the right one for your business needs.

Showing Your Willingness

Note that the suppliers you want to choose for your business receive thousands of requests regularly. Unsurprisingly, not all of these requests turn into orders. When you request a product sample, it gives the supplier the impression that you’re genuinely interested and that you are a professional. 

Placing product sample orders helps you build a relationship with your supplier and understand how to deal with them efficiently.

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Request

You’re lucky if your supplier speaks the same language as you. While you certainly need to be specific when requesting a product sample, you need to remain cautious when ordering samples from a foreigner.

Here are some tips from pros to make a request effectively. 

  • Mention product specifications. You need to mention the product details keenly. Do not resist including any information you sense important. If you believe sharing a quick diagram will help, go on and include one. 
  • Make a request. There’s nothing to hesitate about when it comes to product testing. So, feel free to share it with the supplier. After all, you’re spending money to let them design products for you – you deserve to test them. 
  • Request the company tag. Ask the supplier to include the product’s company tag and model number. This will help you differentiate between the product samples from different suppliers. 
  • Mention why you’re ordering a sample. Let your suppliers know why you want to order a product sample. Not only will it help you test the samples, but it’ll ensure you receive the best quality samples. 
  • Request for helpful information. What you consider “helpful” varies per your needs and preferences; you can ask the supplier about anything you deem important. For instance, you can request information about the time it takes for the supplier to design and send the sample. 
  • Ask for confirmation. Your supplier needs to be on the same page as you for the best possible outcome. Therefore, you must ask for confirmation to ensure their ideas align with your goals. If you think they didn’t understand something, ask for confirmation. 
  • Request a video chat. Schedule a video call with your supplier to see the product’s appearance before the shipment. Ask your supplier to show you how it works. This will allow you to ask for amendments – if required – before the sample gets shipped. By doing so, you avoid the hassle of receiving a sample that doesn’t meet your needs. 
  • File the trademarks and patents. When a supplier creates a sample version for you, they can easily create hundreds of them. You must ensure they do not. For this reason, you’d need to file patents and trademarks before making a product sample request. 

Note that this list for making sample requests isn’t exhaustive but only compiled from expert guidance and experience. If you believe you need to include something that’ll add to your experience and complement your product design, you are free to execute your practices.

Note that merchant sourcing takes time. But it’s worth the effort considering its many benefits.

How to Request Product Samples from Suppliers for Your Amazon Store

Closing Notes

Ordering product samples has become a norm for sellers, and for good reason. If you’re a starter looking to sell products in large quantities, requesting a sample can save you thousands of dollars. 

Receiving a product sample before listing it on Amazon allows you to test its quality, giving you the peace of mind you deserve as an ecommerce seller. 

To add a twist to your ecommerce strategy, you can create a willing group of customers and send them samples to receive honest feedback or reviews. 

Lastly, ensure you pay attention to detail when requesting a sample from the Amazon product suppliers.  You want to test out the product’s functionality and features before ordering in bulk.

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