Leveraging the Self-Care Trend into Profits Through Selling on Amazon

self care skincare routine.

The definition of self-care can change based on who you ask. For some, self-care is limited to physical hygiene and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Others may include activities such as getting regular massages, taking vacations, or investing in a solid skincare routine.

There is no wrong answer when it comes to self-care, but the important takeaway is that you are taking care of yourself in a way that works for you. Self-care has become increasingly popular in recent years, with an increasing number of people looking for ways to relax and de-stress, and realizing the importance of doing so.

Many Amazon FBA sellers have capitalized on this trend to boost their e-commerce sales. Here’s a look at how self-care trends benefit online businesses.

self care skincare routine.

Growth in Self-Care Trends

The online search for the term ‘self-care’
increased to 248% in 2022 when the pandemic began. The surge in popularity is likely due to the increased stress and anxiety that came along with the pandemic, in addition to staying home most of the time.

People were (and still are) looking for ways to cope with the added stress in their lives. It has created a demand for self-care products and services that online businesses can thoughtfully and strategically cater to.

68% of people want to make some self-improvement in their lives after the pandemic. It’s evident that people are actually taking steps to accomplish this.

Amazon sales data exhibits the increase in the number of people buying self-care products, as the revenue for the category has increased substantially.

Many of these trends include:

  • At-home massage devices
  • Skincare and Beauty Products
  • Exercise and Yoga Equipment
  • Healthy Cooking Gadgets
  • Home Spas and Sauna

Which Skincare Trends Are Most Popular?

There are plenty of skincare trends to choose from these days. But which ones are the most popular?


Nowadays, people are more conscientious about taking care of their skin. From sunscreen to wearing SPF-infused makeup, there are many ways to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Since skincare products are readily available on Amazon, more and more consumers are buying them online. It is convenient since you can find almost anything you need without leaving your house.

Massage Devices

Gone are the days when you had to go to a spa to get a massage. Now, there are plenty of devices that you can use at home to give yourself a relaxing massage.

These devices range from electric massagers to more sophisticated devices that use infrared light or sound waves.

Light Therapy Devices

Light therapy has gained popularity in recent years as an effective treatment for various skin conditions. Light therapy devices use different wavelengths of light to target specific skin concerns.

For example, blue light therapy is often used to treat acne. Nowadays, people can buy LED face masks to get salon treatment at home.

The Amazon revenue for all these self-care subcategories has increased sizably in the past few years as the demand for at-home skincare treatments has grown.

Light Therapy Devices

Singing Bowls

Singing or meditation bowls are ancient tools used for sound therapy. The bowls are made of metal and, when played with a mallet, create a beautiful, calming vibration.

The bowl’s vibration can help to center the mind, body, and spirit. For centuries, people have incorporated singing bowls into their self-care regimens to promote relaxation and well-being.

They are back in trend now, considering this category’s 41% increase in revenue on Amazon.


The pandemic has spurred a renewed interest in smartwatches. For many, it has become a way to track their fitness and health, as well as stay connected to the people and information they need.

The sales of smartwatches have increased by 61% on Amazon. That’s a testament to how popular they’ve become. Some of the popular names in the category include Fitbit and Samsung.

CBD Gummies

The same is true for CBD products, as sales have been up 202% since the pandemic started. This is likely because people are looking for ways to reduce stress and anxiety.

CBD gummies are a popular way to take CBD because they’re tasty and easy to consume.

Why Should Amazon Sellers Cash In on Trendy Products?

The self-care trends mentioned above are not merely for you to get familiar with what’s trending these days. Instead, you should use this information to capitalize on the current market by selling trendy products that people want and need.

Amazon is the perfect platform for entrepreneurs to do just that. As an Amazon seller, you can quickly get your products in front of millions of potential customers with the click of a button.

Here are the benefits of selling in-trend self-care products:

Establish Your Account

By selling products the majority are looking for, you can increase loyalty and conversions, which will help you establish your Amazon account.

People are always looking for the latest and greatest products to purchase, so if you can be one of the first to market with a trendy product, you’re likely to succeed.

Higher Profit Margins

When it comes to selling trendy or in-demand products, you can charge a higher price point and still see conversions because people are willing to pay more for items that are difficult to find.

This is especially true regarding self-care products, as people are now focusing on ways to pamper themselves and feel their best.

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Build Your Brand

When you sell trending products, you can help build your brand image by aligning yourself with the current market.

For instance, you may want to consider selling eco-friendly self-care products if you want to build a brand that’s known for being sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Final Words

Selling trending self-care products on Amazon can help boost profit margins and establish customer loyalty. Customers with Amazon Prime are especially valuable because they’re likely to make repeat purchases.

But it can be a hassle to find trending products and update your selection to match the customers’ needs. At Elite Automation, we take care of this.

By establishing an automation-backed Amazon FBA business, we ensure you generate  largely passive cash flows with minimal effort. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you target a 15-25% profit margin on Amazon.

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