Maximize Your Sales Potential with Amazon’s Born to Run Program


Prepare for an exciting shopping spree as the Amazon Born to Run program brings a new level of anticipation. While the party guest count remains unknown, you can now secure all the party essentials and load up on the hottest items. In the past, vendors had to show remarkable sales momentum to convince Amazon to replenish their inventory.


However, Born to Run offers a unique opportunity to order stock up-front without relying solely on sales numbers. This program allows vendors to maximize the momentum of new product sales or promotional ASINs while minimizing the risk of going out of stock.

In the Born to Run program, vendors can request orders for a specific product and estimate the number of units they expect to sell within 10 weeks. If approved, Amazon will buy up to that requested amount. Vendors have the freedom to choose the additional stock they want Amazon to order, which is called the Launch Buy Quantity. However, there’s a catch: vendors must agree to Amazon’s terms, which include returning all unsold stock after the 10-week period starts. Although there are pros and cons to this agreement, it provides a way to boost sales without the fear of running out of stock.

To determine if you’re eligible for Amazon’s Born to Run program, several requirements must be met. First-party sellers who are members of the Amazon Vendor program can participate. The total value of the Launch Buy Quantity can’t exceed $50,000, and the cost of the enlisted ASIN must be at least $5.

The product enrolled shouldn’t be heavy, bulky, or regulated as dangerous goods. Currently, the Born to Run program is available by invitation only. Amazon applies unknown criteria when choosing which vendors receive these exclusive invitations. Additionally, all ASINs must be created and approved before submission.

If you’re fortunate enough to receive an invitation to this exclusive program, keep in mind that creating a brand-new ASIN for Born to Run isn’t allowed. You can gain insights into future demand for a comparable product by using Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA).

Additionally, if you’re launching a promotion, adjusting your product forecast according to your expectations can be helpful. For seasonal trends, anticipate an increase in demand due to upcoming advertising campaigns and incorporate the expected sales boost into your forecast. Amazon offers various opportunities to fine-tune your numbers.

The benefits of being selected for Born to Run can be substantial. Your sales have the potential to skyrocket as the program is designed to facilitate successful product launches and marketing campaigns. A large initial order through Amazon Born to Run can boost your sales, increase reviews, and improve your product ranking.

Vendor Society reports that enrolled ASINs during pilot tests achieved nearly double the sales compared to traditional launches. Additional good news is that the previous requirement of spending 10% of the total order value on ads has been abolished.

Though Amazon suggests running ads to drive sell-through, this prerequisite is no longer mandatory. Furthermore, the program reduces the risk of running out of stock, allowing vendors to maximize their sales potential from the start.

A successful debut can also improve your relationship with Amazon, conveying that your product is worth investing in and establishing a fruitful partnership. Whether you need help with the Born to Run program or you’re navigating through Amazon’s complexities, eCommerce Nurse—a team of ex-Amazonians and Amazon specialists—is here to assist you at every step of your Amazon journey.

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