Useful Tips for Writing Compelling Product Descriptions


Product description is perhaps the second thing a visitor stumbles across on your website or Amazon product detail page. So, what’s the first eye-catcher? Likely your product image or video. 

While visuals certainly outshine text in most cases, it does not indicate your customers skim past product descriptions entirely. 

In fact, compelling product descriptions play a crucial role in convincing your site visitor to purchase a product. 

Most descriptions are lazily written, which is unfortunate considering increasing e-commerce competition and demanding consumer trends. 

If you haven’t updated your e-com store with killer product descriptions yet, now is the right time!

What is a Product Description?

A product description is precisely what its name suggests – marketing copy for your online store’s products. 

Anyone can write product descriptions. Of course, mentioning the product features and benefits is not hard, but making your copy stand out is another story.

Is basic copy enough to encourage customers to make a purchase? I’m afraid not. 

There’s a fine line between an enticing, catchy, and concise product description that actually convinces and the one that merely describes a product. 

Unfortunately, many retailers still leave the product description as an afterthought because they believe their quality products and images are enough to make their way in the e-commerce space. 

Why is a Product Description Important?

Consider you own a clothing store. A visitor on your site liked your newly launched T-shirt and is interested in purchasing one – lucky you. 

But here’s the thing: your customer most likely won’t purchase the product right away. 

They are spending their hard-earned dollars and will probably have a few questions. They’d want to know everything from sizes to product colors, fit, and feel, to order the right style for themselves. 

What if as they open the product page they are left in the dark because of a poorly written – or unfinished – product description? 

While it might be a hard pill to swallow, you’ll likely lose the sale at this point. If there is any confusion or doubt, that can directly affect conversion rate.

A study conducted by Nielsen Norman Group unfolds that 20% of unsuccessful sales are due to a lack of product description. 

Your product information must solve customer pain points and boast how your product is better than competitors. Indeed, your words need to be powerful enough to make an impact on visitors. 

Best Tips to Write Killer Product Descriptions

Your product info speaks volumes about you as a brand. While most of them aren’t more than a paragraph, you have a chance to impress your customers by keeping a few tips in mind. 

Keep It Unique 

Your competitors are selling the same product like yours, but what makes your product unique? You have the chance to tell it within a few sentences of the product description. 

Besides mentioning the standard product features, address why customers NEED your product. 

Note that Ecommerce marketing is more about storytelling; explain to your customers how your product can improve their lives. But remember to keep it short, precise, and to the point.

Avoid Grammatical and Spelling Errors

What’s worse than coming across spelling and grammatical errors from a leading brand in the industry? If you consider yourself one, make sure you aren’t making thoughtless mistakes when writing or editing a description.

Nothing turns off a customer more than seeing misspelled words. 

Regardless of how top-notch your products are and how impeccable your impression is as a brand, grammatical errors sound incredibly unprofessional – leaving the customers confused about whether they should buy from you. 

A tool like Grammarly comes in handy to spot unwanted mistakes in your description. You can subscribe to the premium version to access advanced features.

Keep Your Target Audience In Mind

What is the average age of customers who purchase from your brand? Are they young or old? Addressing such questions will help you create descriptions that align with their interests and culture. 

For instance, a young customer might prefer humorous or catchy product info. An older adult, on the other hand, is likely to be convinced with a more generic, straightforward and professional tone. 

I mean, you wouldn’t use slang like “Lit” to describe products to the elderly. 

Include Images

If you own a clothing brand, your customers would inevitably want to see the product to envision themselves wearing it. 

Even if you sell a gadget or run a fashion brand, HD quality images greatly impact customer experience. 

Data shows that around 66% of consumers say they prefer to view at least 3 images of a product. 

Undeniably, the power of visuals can take your business to new heights, but are you taking full advantage of it? If not, now is your time to implement effective ecommerce strategies to enhance customer experience. 

Highlight Multi-Use and Exclusivity

Say you sell leather boots. Your customers are spending money to purchase the product; perhaps they’d prefer a multi-functional item that caters to their many needs. 

Simply put, while leather boots might be an appropriate fit for formal occasions, you can mention their multi-functionality in different settings. Perhaps you can frame the purchase as more of an investment.

For instance, highlight where else customers can wear the boots. From Thanksgiving parties to business meetings and typical office days, outline the endless possibilities the product offers.

Words like “any occasion” or “must-have” make product descriptions intriguing. 

When customers find they can use a single product for various purposes, it convinces them to purchase it and justifies that action.

Additionally, you can also mention the product’s exclusivity. Use phrases that create the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) effect. For instance, sentences like “Purchase it before it’s gone!” or “Don’t miss this amazing deal” encourages purchase. Discount codes and phrases like “20% off this week only” also contribute to the FOMO effect.


E-commerce is on the rise, and competition is getting fierce, given that many brands have adopted online sales channels. 

Every day retailers implement effective strategies to win over new customers and thrive in the evolving e-com world. 

While several factors help boost sales and build brand image, product description should not be overlooked. 

A poorly written, incomplete product description deters customers. So, whether you sell on Amazon or your own branded storefront, do not neglect it.

Our tips will come in handy, but remember the creativity and flair you include in product descriptions comes from you!

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