What is an Amazon Brand Specialist?

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist


If you’re looking for a job on Amazon or in the Amazon e-commerce space, it’s important to know that there is more than one type of position. In fact, there are numerous options if you want to become an Amazon Brand Specialist. The question you should be asking yourself is: What types of roles do they all have in common?

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist

What is an Amazon brand specialist?

As an Amazon brand specialist, you are hired by brands or agencies to help them sell their products (or boost sales) on Amazon Marketplace. You do a number of different things for these clients, including:

  • Account management
  • Listing optimization
  • Copywriting and product descriptions
  • Advertising (on Amazon, as well as Facebook and elsewhere)
  • PPC & SEO services
  • Review maintenance: Responding to customer reviews
  • Many more tasks

Amazon Agency Brand Specialist Recruitment

An agency is a company that specializes in recruiting talent for clients. You may have heard of ad agencies, PR agencies and law firms that do this too.

Specialty agencies are like any other agency but they also specialize in one area of the industry. In our case, we specialize in finding talent for Amazon companies and brands.

That’s why we call it Amazon Agency Specialty Recruitment.

Amazon Brand Specialist Job Description

What is an Amazon brand specialist’s job description?

An Amazon brand specialist is a member of the Amazon team that works with both sellers and private label manufacturers to help them create their own brands. The main responsibilities for this role include helping to build new brands, supporting existing ones and ensuring that your customers get the best quality products. This can involve everything from creating a marketing strategy or creating packaging designs to negotiating contracts with suppliers and working on advertising campaigns. You’ll also need to be able to deal with problems as they arise quickly and efficiently in order to maintain good relationships with clients.

What qualifications do you need for this job?

The requirements for becoming an Amazon brand specialist vary depending on which department you want to join but most candidates will have relevant experience working within online retailing already before applying so it’s worth considering if there are any opportunities where you might fit in at companies such as eBay or Alibaba first before making direct contact with Amazon itself.

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist

How to Become an Amazon Brand Specialist

If you’re looking to become an Amazon brand specialist, there are a few things to consider. The first is that having an Amazon seller account is a great start. You’ll need to know how the marketplace works and meet certain qualifications. For example:

  • Familiarity with the company’s brand guidelines
  • Familiarity with Amazon’s selling policies
  • Familiarity with the sales channel (in this case, Amazon)
  • Familiarity with advertising on Amazon through Sponsored Ads

Types of Marketing Jobs on Amazon

One of the best things about working for Amazon as a brand specialist is that you get to wear many hats. The job description can be quite broad and flexible, like any other marketing role.

In addition to listing optimization and copywriting, tasks could include account management; advertising; search advertising; social media management; PR (press releases); content marketing (blogging); email marketing or product reviews/photography—and that’s just scratching the surface!

Benefits of Working With a Professional Amazon Brand Specialist or Agency

With a professional agency, you can be sure that your experience will be smooth and successful. Recruiters are experts in their field and have many years of experience finding jobs for candidates. They know what skills the client is looking for and will work closely with you to ensure that they find the right job for your skill set. It’s also important that you choose an agency recruiter who has experience working with Amazon brand teams as these roles are very different from other roles within Amazon.

What is an Amazon Brand Specialist

An Amazon Brand Specialist does a number of things for brands on the Amazon marketplace for which they’re hired by a brand or agency. Some do only listing optimization or copywriting, while others also provide account management and advertising support.

Brand specialists are the people who help you get your brand’s products listed, optimized, and selling on Amazon. They do this by managing keywords, creating listings with relevant images and descriptions, optimizing product titles for maximum click-through rates (CTRs), improving reviews and ratings, researching competitive pricing and recommending promotional strategies. If you want to sell more on Amazon then you should consider hiring an agency or external consultant in addition to your internal resources.

An Amazon Brand Specialist does a number of things for brands on the Amazon marketplace for which they’re hired by a brand or agency. Some do only listing optimization or copywriting, while others also provide account management and advertising support.


The job of an Amazon brand specialist can be challenging, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to work with brands that are innovating in their industry. If you’re interested in learning more about more Amazon-related topics, we invite you to subscribe to the
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