What Is Walmart Automation?


With the changes in customer behavior due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Walmart automation has emerged as an interesting phenomenon, presenting a unique opportunity to entrepreneurs. 

Walmart is currently planning to spend $1.4 billion during 2022 on automation, technology, supply chain, and customer-facing initiatives. 

Doug McMillon, the CEO of Walmart, explained, “We’ll be investing in our distribution centers, our e-commerce fulfillment centers and in market fulfillment centers, which will, in many cases, be inside of or built beside our stores.”

Therefore, at this point in time, it’s important to know what Walmart automation is and how you can benefit from it. It’s even more essential now that Walmart is trying to eliminate the limit on how much they can deliver from stores. 

Today, Walmart is making around 1.5 million deliveries a week, which is seven times higher than in 2020. To accomplish this, the company is leveraging third-party partners and Spark. Let’s discuss how Walmart automation business can help ecommerce grow.

What is Walmart Automation? 

Just like any other kind of business automation, Walmart automation also means using technology to remove manual labor from a repetitive or daily process.
Automation is becoming popular today, especially in ecommerce spaces, since it allows scalability and reduces the business burden. 

Is It Better than Amazon Automation?

While both Amazon and Walmart are incredible marketplaces, it’s important to note they have unique features. In most cases, Walmart Automation services tend to be cheaper, making them suitable for beginners. Typically Walmart stores can be scaled more quickly than Amazon stores due to no seller velocity reviews right off the bat.

More importantly, Walmart seems to be making all the right decisions in 2021. Thus, the company is bound to go forward since it has little competition at this point in time.

Who is Walmart Automation for?

Now that you know what Walmart automation is, it’s imperative to determine if it’s the right fit for you. Being second only to Amazon, Walmart offers a huge potential to anyone who might be interested in the following: 

  • Diversifying Income Streams: If you want to add an automated source of income to your daily life, there’s no better way to do it than opting for Walmart automation. 
  • Recession-proof Business: Likewise, anyone intending to start a business that’s not affected largely by recession should look more into Walmart automation.
  • Improve Lifestyle: Despite having a good job, there’s only so much you can do with an income that hasn’t gone up since the past two years. Additionally, Walmart automation will allow you to earn passive income that has the potential to double annually. 


Why Is Passive Income Necessary in Today’s World?

If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that we’re not entirely prepared for unprecedented times financially. As the whole world went into quarantine, many people were left without jobs and financial security. 

Now, let’s reimagine the scenario. What if more people had passive sources of income? Aside from increasing your monthly income, these passive streams also allow you to save more.

Interestingly, e-commerce is one of the most popular forms of passive income. Experts forecast global ecommerce retail sales to go up to $4.8 trillion in 2021. 

Here’s why passive income has become a necessity in today’s time: 

Income Security  : Keeping the current financial instability in mind, experts are advocating for having more than one income stream. You cannot solely rely on a single nine-to-five job because who knows when you might be fired. 

What if a global pandemic leads to major lay-offs, leaving you without any source of income? 

That’s exactly what happened during the pandemic, as 63% of the US citizens were living paycheck to paycheck and had little to no savings. 

Passive income acts as your safety net. In case you lose your job, it can support you until you find a new position. Plus, in some cases, it may earn you more than your desk job. 

Better Lifestyle : You might have been postponing your vacation simply because you cannot save for it. A single job rarely allows people to improve their lifestyles. 

On the other hand, passive income can allow you to send your children to college, go on vacations every year, and get that new home theatre unit you’ve been eyeing for so long. 

Early Retirement : Gen Z, along with millennials, and unlike previous generations, are not huge fans of traditional nine-to-five jobs. That’s why they’re more attracted to passive streams of income, especially in digital spaces like social media and e-com. 

If you have a blog or a website that’s earning you money on the side, you can save enough to retire earlier than you would have with only your regular job. 

How Do You Get Into Walmart Automation?

The presence of services like Elite Automation makes it very easy for you to set up your dropshipping business without much effort. All you have to do is pay one buy-in fee and a subscription fee, and the company will manage and grow your Walmart automation business. 

Once you get in touch with the company, they give you an Onboarding Checklist. You just have to follow the instructions when applying for your seller account on Walmart. After approval, the company takes over. 

As they take over, they start scaling your store from day one. Their experts monitor your sales and manage everything from customer service to sales and inventory. 

The best part is that you do not even have to wait long to see results. Most Walmart Automation stores tend to earn their first $1000 in just two weeks. 

More importantly, the company has amazing Walmart automation reviews. For instance, Habib opened his account with Elite Automation and recommends the company to anyone who wants to make income on the side for investments or long-term financial security.

You can find more Walmart automation reviews here


Walmart selling is an excellent business model where you don’t physically have to keep the products you sell in stock. Instead, when you sell an item, you purchase it from a third-party supplier or wholesaler and ship it to the customer. 

While this selling model may seem challenging, automation can remove major pain points and many hurdles from the equation. Now that you know what Walmart automation is and are familiar with its scope, you can determine whether or not it’s time to get on board.

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