Why Should You Sell on Amazon?

Why Should You Sell on Amazon?


Amazon is the biggest and best ecommerce platform in the world, with millions of sellers, 200 million Prime subscribers and over $400 billion in revenue last year. It’s also a great place to be if you’re looking to launch an online store, thanks to its huge user base, easy-to-use tools, and ability to sell your products next to Amazon’s own products. In this post we’ll cover some of the key statistics related to selling on Amazon: how many sellers are there? What is their growth rate? And what are some other interesting facts about this massive marketplace?

Why Should You Sell on Amazon?

How do you become a seller on Amazon?

The first step to becoming a seller on Amazon is to register as a seller. To do this, you must either:

  • Sign up as an individual seller with your personal email address and password (this option is only available if you don’t have a business entity or are not planning on using your business entity to list products).
  • Create an account for your business entity that can be used by multiple employees and sign up under the Professional selling plan (around $39.99/month).

What Causes Amazon’s Year Over Year growth?

The growth of Amazon is due to several factors, including the company’s ability to scale. Amazon has become a global company and can now reach customers in many countries. With their innovative technology, they have created a platform that serves as an online marketplace for third-party sellers. This has allowed them to grow rapidly by providing an alternative source of revenue from other businesses.

Another reason why Amazon has been able to expand so quickly is because it offers top-notch customer service and logistics capabilities, which makes it easier for sellers on the site to get their products into the hands of consumers across the globe quickly and efficiently.

why should you sell on amazon

Amazon’s Revenue in 2022

In 2022, Amazon’s revenue is predicted to reach $450 billion. The company’s third-party sellers are responsible for about two-thirds of that revenue, according to research firm eMarketer. While there are no hard numbers available on how much Amazon makes from its Prime memberships or from the cloud computing service it launched in 2006 (now known as Amazon Web Services), those numbers have been steadily increasing over time and could account for billions in yearly sales.

How Many Amazon Sellers Are There?

Amazon is the world’s largest marketplace. In fact, it has been this way for over a decade and counting with over 2.5 million sellers active on its platform. It’s also the largest ecommerce company, cloud computing company (Amazon Web Services) and internet company (understandably).

This means that if your business wants to expand globally or reach more consumers who are interested in buying your products online, then Amazon will be one of the best places to go to do so.

Amazon Accounts For Over 50% of US E-Commerce.

This statistic makes it clear that Amazon has a massive advantage over other retailers. It’s obvious why so many companies are trying to sell on Amazon, but what about those who aren’t?
As an online seller, there are many reasons not to sell on Amazon. You may have your own ecommerce website or store and prefer to use it instead of investing in an additional platform. Or perhaps you don’t want the headache of dealing with shipping issues or returns from unhappy customers (or even just handling inventory). All in all, we firmly believe the Amazon marketplace offers significantly more benefits than headaches.

Why Should You Sell on Amazon?

Closing Notes

So, if you’re thinking about starting a business on Amazon, it’s clear why it’s such an attractive option. The company has grown from humble beginnings as an online bookstore into one of the biggest retailers in the world. It offers sellers access to millions of customers who are looking for bargains and convenience, while still allowing them to sell their products without needing a physical storefront. So what are you waiting for? You could be next!

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