Why The Amazon US Marketplace is Best & Less Competitive

significant growth

Why Become An Amazon Seller?

If you are a small business owner, it’s important to know what your options are for selling your products online. There are many marketplaces that offer different benefits and drawbacks, but the Amazon USA marketplace is one of the most popular places to sell online.

The growth of the Amazon USA marketplace has been phenomenal. In two years alone (2019-2021), sales doubled from $200 billion to nearly $400 billion. If you’re looking for a way to increase your sales, becoming an Amazon seller on the US marketplace could be a great option for you.

significant growth

What Other Countries & Amazon Marketplaces Are There?

Amazon is the world’s largest marketplace, with a staggering $469 billion in sales volume in 2021. Despite its size and ubiquity, Amazon is still growing—and it’s not just in the United States.

In fact, Amazon has expanded into several other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom. These two markets have been operating for over a decade now, so we thought it would be interesting to compare their growth to that of Amazon US in terms of sellers and sales volume.

Amazon Marketplaces

Please note this is the full list of countries that sellers can sign up from, however not all of these have their own respective Amazon marketplace as of today.

The Amazon US marketplace is one of the most popular marketplaces on Amazon. It is also one of the largest marketplaces where sellers can sell their products. The Amazon UK marketplace and the Amazon Canada marketplace are smaller than their American counterpart but still offer opportunities for sellers to make money online through selling products on these platforms.

Sellers who want to start selling on any of these marketplaces should be aware that each one has unique features that make them different from each other in terms of how they operate and what requirements there are for becoming a seller on each one.


Why is the Amazon US (Amazon.com) Marketplace Best For Sellers?

Contrary to popular belief, The Amazon US Marketplace offers
less competition and several other North American and European marketplaces. This has to do with the fact that each US seller receives, on average, more traffic per seller than on all of the other marketplaces. This comes as a surprise to many considering here in the US, we have the highest number of Amazon sellers. Even still, the traffic the US marketplace receives is considerably higher than other countries.

A perfect example are Amazon UK sellers. Sellers in the U.K., receive only 50% of the traffic compared to the US. Furthermore, In Canada, they receive 25% of the traffic. Monthly visits per seller are the total visits (amount of traffic) divided by the number of active Amazon sellers.

To provide you with scale: Back in December 2021, Amazon US (Amazon.com)  received 2.9 billion site visits.

third party seller

Third-Party Sellers on Amazon US (Amazon.com)

Amazon is a robust online marketplace, and third-party sellers are responsible for about half of the products that you can find on its site. These sellers sell everything from books to beauty products to clothing and accessories. Third-party sellers also tend to be very competitive in their pricing, so you can often find great deals on the same items that you might find at other retailers.

Here are some statistics about third-party sellers on Amazon.com:

* There are over five million third-party sellers on Amazon globally

* Third-party sellers account for over 50% of all sales on Amazon

* Third-party sellers have sold over 300 million items (units) through Amazon Marketplace since 2011

-The average third-party seller makes about $4,600 per month.

-The average order value for Amazon third-party sellers is $80 to $120.

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Final Words & Benefits of Amazon Selling

So, why is it beneficial to sell on the Amazon US marketplace? If you’re new to selling online, starting out as a third-party seller is usually the easiest way to get started. You don’t necessarily need to build up inventory or manage shipping—you just need to create an account and list your products to start. Amazon US has over 350 million unique visits every month across all of its sites and mobile apps, suggesting your listings will get the visibility they deserve.

If you are already selling on Amazon, reach out to our Brand Management team to give your brand and product an extra boost.

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