Why Your Ecommerce Site Should Be Multilingual


The Harvard Business Review unveils that 9 out of 10 internet users prefer visiting a website in their own language. Have you planned to make your website accessible to users across the globe? 

With the rising competition in the Ecommerce space, most online giants, including Amazon, offer multi-language integration to enhance customer experience. 

Your site might be SEO optimized and rank in Google search results, but if international customers cannot view it in their language, how far will optimization alone take you? 

In fact, offering multiple languages is a significant part of Search Engine Optimization as it helps reach a wider audience. 

Is Cross Border Commerce Important?

The latest report from the Cross-Border Retail Payments Tracker depicts that nearly half of the top Ecommerce websites offer 4 or more languages. 

Today, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of international commerce and implementing strategies to optimize their websites. 

A study of prominent, well-performing ecommerce sites reveals that 46% of them greeted their visitors in 4 or more languages. This allows for an enhanced customer experience as the local and international audiences can access websites in their preferred language. 

As a newbie in the ecommerce world, you might assume targeting locals is enough. However, that’s not the case. The wider your audience reach, the more you have the chance to build brand image. 

Did you know some of the most powerful ecommerce businesses, including Apple, Shein, and Samsung, took over 50% of traffic from foreign countries? 

On top of that, the pandemic outbreak convinced worldwide customers to purchase online. 

You have the opportunity to target several online customers and make the most out of your ecommerce strategies by offering cross-border commerce. 

Reasons Why Your Ecommerce Site Should Be Multilingual

If you are uncertain how multiple languages can add value to your online retail outlet, we’ve curated a list of our top reasons. 

From reaching a broader audience to outpacing your competitors, you have the chance to take your business to new heights through cross-border commerce. Here’s how.

Gives You an Edge Over Your Competitors

Statistics reveal that only
25.9% of internet users speak English. So, if English is the only language you offer on your website, you’re missing out on reaching a wider and potentially interested audience. 

Please note that we do not suggest overlooking the needs of local customers; they should be a priority considering they are typically the  first to contribute to your business growth. 

Adding more languages to your website helps you stand out in the online business world. If your competitors aren’t yet offering multiple languages, you can take that as a growth opportunity and revamp your website or storefront. 

This would undoubtedly give you an edge over your competitors. 

Even if your product categories are fewer, you can reach a wider audience, promote your brand, and build credibility by targeting international customers. 

Reaches a Wider Audience

What’s better than an ecommerce site that is readable and viewable to millions of online shoppers? 

Initially, you might be intrigued to target English speakers only, but what about 75% of non-native speakers

Not integrating cross-border commerce means missing out on your chance to reach a wider customer base. 

You could be offering the trendiest top-quality products, and the audience might see your items through online ads. 

But as they visit your website, they stumble across gibberish – your native language, not readable to foreigners. Not everyone has apps and extensions that automatically convert page text into their native language. For example, a site visitor using Safari rather than the Google Chrome browser is less likely to be able to translate in real-time due to a lack of these apps or extensions.

This being said, even if a potential customer likes your product initially, they cannot navigate the website or place an order with ease. This could quickly deter them, and they may never visit your website again. 

Nonetheless, cross-border commerce ensures they do!

For instance, a French eyewear brand, Jimmy Fairly, enhanced its international turnover by adding several languages to its website. You can also use this to your advantage and make this accessible to your website visitors.  

Enhances Customer Experience

Brands that understand the value of
customer experience drive 4-8% more revenue than other industries. Why? Because customer experience is all that matters in the evolving ecommerce world and changing customer trends! 

As an online business owner, you’re required to morph into any form needed to satisfy your customers and convert them into repeat customers. 

A website with multiple languages speaks volumes of having an online presence – an impactful one.  

It reduces the confusion of international visitors and makes your website more professional. Anything you do to resolve customer pain points will directly benefit your online business. 

Higher Conversion

A whopping 72.5% of customers say they prefer purchasing a product from a site that provides the information in their language. 

Owning a multilingual website means grabbing the attention of an international visitor, while not offering one means turning them away immediately. 

Consequently, you’ll reduce bounce rates and lose potential conversions. 

If you want to see how optimized your site is for global customers, you can check out the Global CX calculator by CSA Research. This will help you determine how much foreign attention you capture each day. 

Improved Brand Image 

You’ll significantly increase online visibility by offering multiple languages on your website. Indeed, a brand with a better online presence has the power to make an impact. 

What’s more, there’s hardly any credible online brand that doesn’t offer several language options. 

From the popular body-care brand like Sephora to the most beloved fashion store like CHANEL, all reputable companies offer cross border commerce. 

Not only does it improve your brand image, but it builds customer loyalty, increasing sales. 

Consumers are more likely to trust brands that offer multiple languages. It encourages them to take a leap of faith and try your product – even if you’re new to the market. 

The more credible your brand will become, the more audience you’ll be able to target.

Wrapping Everything Up

There’s a reason why Ecommerce giants like Amazon and Shopify offer multilingual sites and marketplaces. Implementing cross border commerce allows for wider reach across multiple countries and several regions. 

Not only does your brand reputation increase, but it also helps boost sales and customer loyalty. 

Now is the time to upgrade your ecommerce site to make it more intriguing, accessible, easy-to-read (and navigate) and in turn, profitable. 

You must aim to reach a global audience if you seek to thrive in the growing ecommerce world; offering several languages ensures you do so.

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