How to Hack “Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

“Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

Amazon remains the world’s largest ecommerce marketplace, experiencing considerable growth every year. This explains why most sellers turn to the platform to target their ideal audience and earn massive profits. 

“Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

But the key is to make the most of the Amazon resources to maintain sales volume. Because your Best Seller Ranking (BSR) and credentials add to your brand image, you must utilize the available features on Amazon’s platform to maximize your advantage. 

For instance, the “Frequently Bought Together” phrase is another feature that sellers must familiarize themselves with to boost conversions and grow their business. 

“Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

What Does “Frequently Bought Together” Mean On Amazon?

When you type a particular product in the search bar on Amazon, the platform informs you what other items people purchase alongside the product you searched for. 

Frequently Bought Together is a tool that Amazon uses to suggest products that customers might also be interested in purchasing. If a customer buys one product, Amazon will show them other products that their previous purchase was frequently bought together with.

The idea behind Frequently Bought Together is that if you’ve purchased one product that’s similar to another, you may have an interest in buying the second product as well. This increases sales for both products and lets customers find what they’re looking for more quickly than they would if they had to search through all of Amazon’s offerings individually.

This Amazon section is like social proof, allowing sellers to customize the shopping experience for customers. 

Because other people’s opinions significantly influence online shoppers, they can’t help but see what others think about a product they hadn’t bought previously. 

This helps them decide whether or not the item is worth the money. 

As such, the Frequently Bought Together feature helps online shoppers stay informed about the latest ecommerce trends, making purchases easier. 

Note that this isn’t an incentive to buy. However, it makes up for a gentle way to push customers to take action – make a purchase, that is. 

How Does This Feature Help Sellers?

You can increase your conversions and profits by creating a connection between two items. The Frequently Bought Together section allows sellers to build their brand reputation by partnering with fellow sellers in a similar niche. This is where optimizing your listing description with SEO-friendly keywords really helps. You need to make sure your product is described accurately with the most relevant keywords so your product will show up as also frequently purchased on a relevant product’s detail page.

You can utilize this feature to match up your items with those that offer similar functionalities. Discovering other products complementing yours helps you push your inventory to the forefront. Consequently, you’re exposed to new customers, boosting business opportunities. 

“Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

What to Do To Show Up In a “Frequently Bought Together” List

Given the numerous advantages of the Frequently Bought Together feature, more Amazon sellers seek to understand it. Although it can be incredibly profitable, you must understand its ropes to make the most out of it. 

Here are some tactics you can execute to drive more sales. 

Sell Products In Amazon Bundles 

Knowing your customer means you’ve already won as a business owner. The better you understand your ideal audience, the more you can optimize the customer experience to cater to their needs. 

Selling in bundles comes in handy, but you must know your target audience’s demographics. It will help you easily create the bundle package. 

In a fast-paced world like today, shoppers demand efficiency. Therefore, they quickly turn to the brands that escalate their shopping experience and provide them with a smooth customer experience. Because Amazon bundles allow people to shop immediately, almost everyone loves a good bundle deal. 

You can check out the Frequently Bought Together section to discover what other products individuals add to their shopping carts when buying a specific item. 

Analyzing the data will give you an insight into the people’s preferences. Later, you can offer particular items in bundles. 

However, note that a single product listing won’t help much here. When you start selling relevant items in a package, you can split them, and people would still be willing to purchase them simultaneously. 

When the traffic and sales are regular, these separate items will appear relevant to one another. 

Run a Promotional Campaign With Amazon PPC Ads 

Everybody is drawn toward an enticing deal, sale, or promotion – even if they aren’t a shop-a-holic. 

Therefore, running promo campaigns help drive more traffic to your store. One way to utilize the Frequently Bought Together feature is to encourage customers to purchase several items through a promo campaign. 

Here’s how it works: A brand offers a discount to consumers on a single product if they purchase another relevant product. 

For instance, if you run a fashion retail store and sell liquid foundations, you can offer a discount on makeup brushes and sponges whenever a consumer buys foundation. 

As such, the likelihood of selling these items increases. The more such items will be bought in the same transaction, the higher the chance of making them relevant and marketing them as Frequently Bought Together. 

As a rule of thumb, remember to feature the Add Both to Cart button when setting this promotion. It’ll make it easier for customers to buy the items with a single click. 

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Collaborate With Other Sellers

If you want to gain exposure in your industry, there’s nothing better than teaming up with experts in your niche. This bears fruit typically when using the Frequently Bought Together system. 

However, approaching them can be tricky. 

Begin by searching for products similar to those you sell on the platform. Then, dig into what customers buy alongside those products. Next, reach out to the seller and ask them if they’d be interested to cross-promote your product deals. 

You can also offer a free item or a coupon when anyone purchases a specific product from the seller you collaborated with. 

Partnering with a popular seller boosts the chance of bringing your brand into the spotlight and reaching people that never heard about your business. 

Gradually, buyers will begin noticing your products and their quality. Once the connection between two items strengthens, they’ll appear on your and your partner’s Frequently Bought Together listing. You can then remove the discount offer and drive profit through your sales. 

Build and Maintain Connections 

If you plan to get in touch with other industry experts, make sure you maintain your connections. Your collaboration with credible brands in your niche can help you experience massive growth. Nonetheless, the key is to nurture the relationships. 

While hacking this feature alone works, strategic partnerships will help you climb the ladder quicker. 

“Frequently Bought Together” On Amazon

Final Thoughts on the Frequently Bought Together Feature  

Amazon offers numerous features to sellers and customers. The former can utilize them to boost sales and increase revenue, while the latter can enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience. 

The Frequently Bought Together feature helps consumers discover the latest marketplace trends and what items complement one another. It assists sellers in knowing what customers are interested in purchasing alongside specific products. 

You can leverage this feature in your business by offering a bundle, sale, or teaming up with reputable brands in your niche. Additionally you can optimize your listing with the most relevant and SEO-friendly title, description, bullet points, and keywords!

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